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What is the Importance of Exercise Physiology on the Gold Coast?

How can exercise physiology impact someone? Can a healthy person go for exercise physiologist sessions? Most people fail to go for exercise physiology sessions because they think they are a waste of time. However, exercise physiology comes with so many benefits. In this article, we will discuss the importance of exercise physiology on the Gold Coast and why you should consider starting your exercise physiology sessions soon.

Importance of Exercise Physiology on the Gold Coast

The following are the importance of exercise physiology to anyone who chooses to enrol and take part in it;

  • Promote overall health and well-being

You don’t have to be sick to attend exercise physiology sessions. Instead, anyone can enrol for exercise physiology sessions. This is because exercise physiology helps promote your health and well-being. Engaging in different activities during exercise physiology will reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity. This exercise physiology will ensure that your overall health and well-being are promoted.

  • Prevents and manages chronic diseases

Another important aspect of exercise physiology is that it helps one prevent and manage chronic diseases. This means that if you already have chronic diseases, you can consider exercise physiology so that you can be in a position to manage the disease. However, exercise physiology is there to complement the medical treatment that you are undergoing. Therefore, do not fail to continue with your medication just because you have started your exercise physiology sessions.

  • Enhances the performance of athletes

During athletics, athletes get injured, and this may hinder their careers. The good thing about exercise physiology is that it helps you rehabilitate and recover from injuries. Also, if you have recently undergone surgical and medical procedures, exercise physiology helps you throughout the recovery process. This is because exercise physiologists will ensure that they develop an individualized program that focuses on restoring strength, flexibility, function, and mobility. As a result, you can regain independence and return to your daily activities, sports and work safely.

  • It improves your mental health

Apart from your physical body, exercise physiology also has a significant effect on your psychological health. Exercise physiology helps you improve psychological well-being by reducing your anxiety, depression, and stress levels. This way, even if something has been stressing you out during and after the exercise physiology session, your mind will be relaxed, thus promoting your mental well-being.

  • Promotes healthy aging

Unfortunately, when most people age, they do not age healthily. As they age, they lose their physical function, quality of life and independence. When this happens, one has to depend on other people for everything. Fortunately, when you consider exercise physiology, you will promote healthy aging. This is because the exercise physiologist you choose will develop an individualized program to help you age healthily. The program will help address things like balance, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, and muscle mass. This way, they will help you lower the chances of getting age-related decline and ensure that adults remain independent, engaged and active.

You must start your exercise physiology sessions as soon as possible. Whether you are healthy or have any chronic issues, be sure you will get all the kind of help that you need from exercise physiology. However, you should also make sure that you find the best exercise physiology expert on the Gold Coast so that you can achieve your health and fitness goals.

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Core Functions of Disability Employment Services

People with disabilities go through a rough time finding a job let alone keep one. Through DES, people living with disabilities or injuries or any other health condition that prevents them from undertaking their normal functions get reprieve finding a job and keeping it. DES organizations are a mixture of profit-making organizations and not-for-profit organizations that are formed to help people living with health conditions find and keep jobs.

They also provide guidance and assistance to employers working with people living with divergent health conditions and disabilities. DES has two parts: disability management services and employment support services. Disability management services provide assistance to people under temporary health conditions to find a job and those who require occasional support at the workplace. And to keep a job when they get temporary disability where rogue employers might find it convenient to fire and replace them when they are rendered disabled.

Employment support services on the other hand help people with permanent disabilities find and keep a job while providing regular support at the workplace to secure and keep a job. These DES programs are flexible and allow participants to receive services from their preferred providers when they first enrol in the program.

Working with DES providers

These are experts at networking with people with disabilities and potential employers. DES work directly with people living with disabilities to ensure they are ready to undertake a job before finding and connecting them with opportunities. For many years now, DES has become a fundamental organ connecting people with disabilities to join the mainstream workforce. They also provide fundamental support and advice to employers by providing a range of innovative recruitment solutions.

What are the core functions of DES?

There are different types of employment services for disabled. Primarily, DES provides assistance to both employers and people living with disabilities by addressing work barriers to ensure that both the employer and the employee work and live in harmony. This support is provided both at the beginning of the recruitment process and is ongoing. Some of the support services provided by the DES include:

  • Raising awareness and training employment managers and coworkers on how to bond and work harmoniously with people living with disabilities at the workplace.
  • Help develop programs and procedures for onboarding disabled employees into the system and provide minimum thresholds for their job description to help prevent employers from undermining or underpaying them or going through any other form of discrimination.
  • DES provides on-the-job and off-site training to new employees to ensure a seamless onboarding process. DES provides ongoing support to people living with disabilities to ensure they settle and enjoy their working conditions and lead a normal life like their counterparts.
  • DES provides support to other employees in an organization and creates awareness on how they can help improve or become helpful to people living with temporary or permanent disabilities.
  • DES helps people living with disabilities who are fresh graduates find internship and attachment opportunities to gain work experience and to become competitive in the job market. DES also meets insurance expenses for people living with disabilities during internship or attachment programs.
  • DES provides legal assistance when they are on the verge of losing their job due to their conditions.
  • DES also offers support and sensitization on subsidies granted to people living with disabilities or exemptions such as taxes and other levies that normal employees are subjected to.

Finding disability employment providers near you

A disability employment agency provides work specifically to support people who have a disability or a certain health conditions which might prevent them to working a regular 9 to 5 job.

Disability Management Services work with job seekers who also suffer from short term injury or illnesses. For those who required support in the work environment for a short term basis. On the other hand the employment services support is usually allocated for job seekers who have a permanent disability or an injury which prevents them from working without consistent support in the work environment.

Questions to ask your disability employment provider

For those who are looking to hire a disability employment provider they need to ask them whether they are eligible for it. Eligibility criteria requires that those seeking employment should have a disability, a health condition or injury which prevents them from work in a regular job. They need to be an Australian citizen and have an eligible visa. Individuals are required to be 14 years or older or they must be at a minimum working age according to their state or territory. Anybody who is not studying full time can also apply for disability employment services and they should also undergo a valid employment service assessment which would be recommended to the DES for any kind of future work.

All individuals looking for disability employment services must have a capacity to work at least 8 or more hours per week and should not be working above their assessed working capacity. For any information you can directly contact a DES provider.

The level of funding which every person will receive would change throughout the time that they would be spending in the program however funding usually falls into three different categories. These include the services fees which are advance payments made every 13 weeks to help them secure employment. The service fees also comprises of the outcome fee which is the payment that is made after the participant has received the employment of education for a specific period of time. An ongoing support fees is also made to individuals who might require for the resistance in order to maintain their employment.

Individuals with a disability can also access the employment assistance fund which would help them cover the expenses of any adjustments that would need to be made in the workplace in order for them to get ahead with the job. However these may be made to include the workplace equipment or any modifications which need to be made for people with a special kind of disability, this means any sort of modified appliances, alternate lighting or access ramps.

This finding also covered any modifications which are made in the work vehicles which the individual might use to perform their regular duties. Also communication equipment like bright printers or any sort of listening device or an emergency alert system also Falls into this category full stop any training which the individual would undergo to create disability is included in this funding program as well.

Busy Ability are disability employment providers that you can partner with if you want to give opportunities to differently abled individuals.

Tips for choosing the right breast pump

No doubt about it – many mothers are finding breast pumps to be an essential commodity. When you plan to go back to work, and you want to practice exclusive breastfeeding, then buying an automatic breast pump might be the easiest way out.

So, what is an automatic breast pump? An automatic pump is an electric breast pump that allows quicker expression of milk from the breast. Two types of electric breast pumps exist. The first is the hospital-grade breast pumps. These pumps are large, and therefore, an excellent option for multiple users.

The second type is the personal-use breast pumps. These pumps are designed to be used by a single user. Therefore, they have some capability limitations compared to hospital-grade pumps.

An automatic breast pump utilizes a motor, which provides the power to initiate and maintain a suction force via plastic tubing to a horn-like structure that fits the nipple. This type of fitting offers more suction force, making the extraction of milk from the breast faster. Some automatic pumps allow users to pump breast milk from both breasts simultaneously. This will enable mothers to get more milk within a short time.

Compared to manual breast pumps, automatic pumps are larger. But, portable variants are available. You can quickly shove them into your shoulder bag or backpack. Note that automatic pumps can be battery operated. Such models come with built-in batteries, which you’ll need to recharge as needed. However, others use battery packs. You simply replace them once power drains. Electric versions only require plugging into a socket.

Regardless of the type of breast milk pump, it is vital to maintain hygiene, especially with pumps that allow multi-user operations. Ensure that parts of a breast pump in direct contact with milk is thoroughly sterilized – this prevents contamination.

While there are many automatic breast pumps in the market, picking any of them does not guarantee you the best result. Practically, you need to familiarise yourself with the different models in the market prior to purchasing any of them.

Look, every baby and mother have different needs – and these needs are dynamic. In the course feeding, the needs might shift drastically.  So, put in mind the following factors:

A manual vs electric pump

If you are looking for occasional expressing, then a manual breast pump might be the right option. These pumps are cheaper but will require a lot of work to get milk out of your breast. By contrast, electric p[pumps are much faster, making them a convenient option. Their motor provides enough suction to drain the milk much quicker.

Some automatic pumps using 2-Phase Expression technology mimics the natural sucking pattern of a baby – initial short, fast sucks to stimulate milk letdown. Try out Ameda automatic breast pumps. They could make your life easier.

A single vs double breast pump

Both these pumps are excellent at expressing milk. However, a single electric pump is ideal for less frequent expression. Since you’ll be expressing milk from a single breast at a time, the amount of milk per unit of time is low. 

By contrast, a double breast pump is convenient if you want to express more milk within a short time. These pumps can express 18% more milk from each breast than their single counterparts. If you are a busy mum, this might be the best pump for you. Other factors to keep in mind include weight, sound, wearable breast pumps, handsfree, and cost.

Handling Sciatica Pain at Home

When the sciatic nerve becomes compressed, it can cause pain in the leg or the area which extends from the hips to the ankle. Sciatica pain can be tough. Sometimes people who suffer from it find themselves unable to walk and go about their daily chores.

Normally it best to treat sciatica at home before taking any drastic fact physicians too feel that if the treatment is noninvasive and can help prevent the pain from coming back, it’s well worth it. Surgery is not a first-line sciatica treatment.

If you are suffering from sciatic pain and would like to know a few ay to handle it at home, make sure to read the following:

Home remedies for sciatica pain


Doctors are of the opinion that you should wait out or a few weeks and try to use home remedies to help get rid of the pin. If nothing works, a visit to the doctor is advised. Most of the time the pain is resolved on its own and doesn’t need any sort of medical intervention. In fact fifty percent of the cases are resolved in les then three to four weeks at the most.

However, if the pain persists or becomes more severe its best to get medical care immediately. Anyone who is undergoing sciatic pain should only take up as much as they can bear. If they think their condition is deteriorating and they are finding it difficult to walk or even perform basic activities, a visit to the physician becomes mandatory.

Similarly if you experience weakness or numbness in hands or feet or the affected area it’s an indication that the disease has progressed too far along and should be reported as an emergency.

Meanwhile if you are experiencing mild aches and pains, make sure to follow these practices at home:

  • Apply ice or a warm compress to the affected area. It should start slowly by once or twice a day. If you can tolerate it you can apply the compresses around four to five times a day. This can help reduce the swelling and provide relief from pain. In fact most people start feeling better a few days after the treatment only. It can help loosen the tightness in the muscles.
  • Gentle stretching exercises can be beneficial. In fact there are certain exercises like yoga which can help bring relief from the pain by improving the blood circulation.
  • If possible go to a physical therapist, they would suggest different exercises and a change in lifestyle which can be implemented to improve the pain and other symptoms.
  • You can even visit a chiropractor. They make use of gentle manual adjustments to provide relief from the pain.

The above mentioned intervention can provide relief in four to ix weeks. However, if you find your symptoms getting worse or not improving at all, you should seek medical help for sciatica pain. Make sure you set up an appointment with a doctor who is known to help patients suffering from sciatica.

10 tips for maintaining good mental health

Taking care of your mental health is as important as taking care of your physical health. Here are some tips that will help you maintain a good mental condition.

1. Develop your self-esteem.

According to mental health experts, having good self-esteem is one of the best tools you can use to cope with the challenges of life. Studies show that people with high self-esteem, among other things, have more confidence in themselves and their abilities.

2. Eat well.

Diet plays a crucial role in mental health. It is therefore important to have a healthy diet. To do this, follow the recommendations in Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating. You can also consult a nutritionist for advice tailored to your needs.

3. Practice regular physical activity.

Physical exercise can positively influence your mental health because it causes chemical reactions that can positively affect your mood and reduce your anxiety and stress.

4. Learn how to handle your stress.

Stressful moments are part of life, but it’s important to learn how to overcome them to preserve your mental health. Find out what’s causing your stress so you can find ways to deal with it effectively.

5. Take advantage of the present moment.

Learn to focus on the present moment, instead of constantly thinking about past or future events; this will allow you to savor the little joys that you could otherwise let go.

6. Balance your professional life and your personal life.

If you feel that you are spending too much time in one area of ​​your life and not enough in another, your work-life balance may be disrupted. Learn to reconcile the two! The best way to achieve this balance varies from person to person; find the strategy that suits you best.

7. Get enough sleep.

Lack of sleep can affect your mental health because it can lead to emotional and psychological problems. Go to bed at reasonable times and try to get about eight hours of sleep. This will help you promote optimal recovery to cope with your day.

8. Maintain relationships.

Developing and maintaining strong relationships with people is very beneficial to mental health. Work to build good relationships with people around you, whether at home, at work, or in your community. These contacts will enrich your life and support you.

9. Take the time to have fun!

Taking the time to laugh and have fun can help you a lot to stay mentally healthy! Laughter and humor can cheer you up, provide you with a sense of well-being and help you reduce stress. Find reasons to laugh: read comic books, listen to comedies or tell jokes to your friends.

10. Get help if needed.

At some point in your life, you may need to ask for help. Above all, do not hesitate to do it. Yes, it takes courage to get help, but it could really change things in your life. Know that there are many resources to help you. Do not hesitate to talk to your pharmacist; he will guide you to the best resources available.

Maintain good mental health

Being in good mental health is not just about not having a mental illness. A person can live with a mental disorder and still experience mental well-being that results in a balanced and satisfying life.

Like being in good physical health, being in good mental health makes you feel good about yourself. It also allows you to enjoy the joys of life, blossom and try new things.

Basis of good mental health: balance

To maintain good mental health, you have to balance the various aspects of your life, that is, the aspects:

  • social;
  • physical;
  • mental;
  • economic;
  • spiritual;
  • emotional.

The periods of life (studies, career paths, family life, etc.), the difficulties and the challenges encountered sometimes tip the balance on one side or the other. It may then be relevant to question the changes to be made in order to promote the maintenance of one’s mental health.

Factors that influence mental health

Several factors influence a person’s mental health:

  • biological factors, eg heredity;
  • personal factors, such as lifestyle, level of self-esteem, or experiences of childhood
  • the physical environment, such as the state of the place of residence or the quality of the neighborhood;
  • the social environment, for example, the quality of relationships established with family, friends and the community;
  • the economic environment, such as employment status and living conditions.

It is impossible to act on certain factors such as heredity or certain biological characteristics. However, you can change your habits and take certain steps to keep yourself in good mental health.

Measures to maintain good mental health

Adopt good habits

  • Take the time to eat well.
  • Go to bed at a reasonable time to get enough sleep.
  • Exercise every day.
  • Reduce your intake of stimulants: coffee, tea, soft drinks or energizing, chocolate.
  • Decrease or completely stop using alcohol, drugs and tobacco.

Maintain your social network

  • Maintain positive relationships with those around you: family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.
  • Participate in leisure activities that you enjoy and find time to indulge in them.

Decrease your stress level

  • Use natural methods to control your stress. For example, take deep breaths, exercise, or take time to relax.
  • Trust yourself.
  • When you’re having a hard time, join self-help and support groups. You will be able to exchange with other people who are in the same situation as you. This could help you better manage your emotions while learning from others’ experiences.

Maintain a positive work climate

Encourage your employer  to take steps to reduce the sources of stress and improve the work environment, for example:

  • hold regular team meetings
  • encourage employees to participate in the activities of the company;
  • provide staff training programs;
  • put in place a system of recognition of work and employee participation;
  • take steps to prevent psychological harassment and to promote civility at work.
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